What Child, What Youth is This?
“Those Sixth Grade Boys,” now seniors in high school: Zach Hopson, Noah Ryu, Griffin Spears, Henry Pittman, and Erek Smith. Their performance in the Christmas Pops Concert can be seen here!
In a completely unscientific poll, I will say that last Sunday’s Christmas Pops concert was possibly the most moving and memorable we have had in some years, and that is saying a lot. Comments abound around the deep appreciation people have for what they felt in the witness of our choir and orchestra Sunday night. A dear unchurched friend said he shed tears as he was moved by the beauty of the evening’s music.
Among the comments heard admiring, “And what about those YOUTH?!”
“I was so proud of our college-age alumni jumping in with the Children’s Choir to sing.”
“So proud of ‘those 6th grade boys’ – now young men – singing like a barbershop quartet +1”
“So proud of our several students boldly singing their faith in solos and in duets.”
What youth is this, indeed?!
What made their witness felt so deeply was that their singing came from a place of deep faith in Christ. As Robin said about them all, “They are just good people.” They know who it is they are singing about; they know, “what child is this who, laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet.”
These are students who welcome all, encourage all, laugh with all, work with all, pray for all. They and their witness are the fruit of our raising them within the loving context of this church; of “teaching them the contents of the Old and New Testaments,” supporting them to “resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves” and always extending them grace and support – much of it financial. They have learned well and returned to us all Sunday night a small portion of our loving investment in them. They witnessed boldly from their hearts that, “This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe, the son of Mary.”
What child is This? What youth is this? Come this Sunday and on Christmas Eve and see and hear for yourself!
Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,