God Moves in Mysterious Ways!

We say this a lot, but the ways God has been moving at FUMC Plano really have been mysterious.

Sunday I reported that thanks to the generosity of many in the last two months of 2024, we had closed a $164,000 deficit gap to $13,000 by the end of the year – a huge victory for a $1.9 million budget that projected in February a $125,000 deficit. But then over last weekend, we received a letter postmarked Dec. 28, 2024, from a resident in Plano. It had arrived 15 days late. It was a check for $10,000. That one gift of grace enabled us to end with just over a $3,000 deficit against a $1.9 million dollar budget. This clears the way for our Finance, SPRC, and Church Council teams to forge a 2025 Budget without the burden of a carryover deficit.

To be sure, the headwinds remain before us and all churches: the costs of utilities, supplies, cleaning, staffing, repairs and insurance – even at same levels of use, do not go down. But what also is before us are new families and individuals who are coming for the first time and finding the comfort and love of God here – in you. God will provide.

I am not sure what had me more excited Monday – that surprise news from our Finance Manager, Lori Kimbrell, or the fact that during our First Impressions Gathering, 38 out of 39 persons returned a survey said that we are going in the right direction with our spring capital campaign and that they were excited to pay off our mortgage, fully fund our endowment to make it a revenue generator, and attend to capital upgrades needed in our 22-year-old church home. That is a remarkable level of alignment among diverse people in a church around any issue, especially one regarding money. Yet here we are – a two-week late check that nearly balances a $1.9 million dollar budget and near unanimity in a major initiative that will positively affect our church and its outreach to people for decades. 

God is indeed mysterious; thanks be to God … and to you!


One Spirit, One Voice, One Prayer


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