The Answer, My Friend, is Blowing in the Wind
“ The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
We went from 94 degrees one day with wildfires in the panhandle to freezing temps and snow. I shook my head thinking about what this portends for our summer. Thankfully, the National Weather Services says there is little correlation.
The difference-maker is how much rain we get in the next three months (now you know what to pray for!). Beyond thinking with empathy about our allergy-sufferers, I have thought about the correlation with the text from John stated above: like the weather in Texas, the appearance of the Spirit is one that no one can predict but you know it when he shows up! As a mentor pastor said to me years ago, if it walks like a goose, sounds like a goose, then …
I reported to our Staff-Parish Relations Committee last night that we hit again a new high, in-house attendance of 367 last Sunday. We continue to welcome and engage new persons and new families into our connections. We have five persons signed up for our #BeUMC 101 membership class. 143 people have bought tickets for the Wellspring fun-raising dinner Saturday night. A major new mission project is being tackled by our Mission Service Group. A new Construction Management Team has been formed to oversee the work that is coming this year. A new investment team has been formed on our Finance Committee to oversee our newly invested capital monies from the recent land sale. All of these I attribute to the Spirit blowing amongst us, creating new and life-giving opportunities for so many, including ourselves in the process. I had another mentor once say, “Church is what we do six days a week; Sunday is when we celebrate.”
This Sunday, we celebrate Jesus the Christ with song, liturgy, word and holy communion. We will remember how the Spirit blazed within him and through him when he showed up at the Temple in Jerusalem, loudly reminding us of what the main thing is: paying attention to where the Spirit it blowing … minus the allergens! See you in worship!