A message of gratitude from Erika Rivera!
On the Sunday after Erika Rivera’s accident, she received a Special Mission Recognition award by United Women in Faith. She accepted it in the hospital with her children Lindsey and Shawn.
Dear FUMC Plano Family,
Thank you!! What do you say when thank you isn't enough?
As many of you know, I was in a terrible car accident on September 3, 2024, where I was severely injured. I broke my right femur bone in half, broke my back, had a large laceration down my forehead and several lacerations on my left leg. All devastating injuries to me as I am a person who is mobility challenged.
The 20 days in the hospital were somewhat of a blur, but I do remember the many people who came to visit which lifted my spirit and gave me the confidence to go on. I was transferred to a skilled nursing facility and stayed 31 days. The day I arrived I could only sit on the edge of the bed. The work ahead of me was very painful and infested itself in me not only physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I began to lose hope that I would ever walk or be able to independently care for myself again. Darkness set in and I found myself very depressed, angry, and irritable. Why did this happen? Where is God? How do I even possibly navigate life from here?
Well, I know exactly where God was. He was in YOU! I received so many cards, phone calls, visits, and most importantly lots of prayers from my family and you – my brothers and sisters in Christ, who found me at one of my darkest hours and lovingly helped me back up and gave me the courage and strength to move onward.
With a lot of hard work and determination I became strong enough to transfer to an acute rehab where they are able to build on my progress and teach me new skills, techniques, and exercises. After two months and three days, I am now preparing to go HOME!
Life looks different now, but that's okay. I have received the gift of peace. No matter how hard, no matter the outcome, I am peace, and I know it's going to be okay.
I want everyone to know that YOU ARE the hands and feet of Jesus! We belong to such an awesome church full of like-minded loving Christians who are being led by example by our outstanding staff. You have taught me the power of prayer is real. You are bringing me through this journey, each person individually and collectively. I am so blessed to be a part of seeing God's hands at work.
The best way I know to say thank you for all you've done for me is to pay it forward by lifting people in prayer, listening to others, and loving on each one just where they are. Just know, FUMC Plano, that YOU have demonstrated your unwavering faith. You are the hands and feet of Jesus and I am so blessed to be a part of that community.
I miss you all beyond measure and can't wait to see you again soon - back at the Welcome Center!!
Love to all,