A Sign of God's Steadfastness?
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Walking our dog the other day in our neighborhood, I noticed that few leaves have dropped. In fact, all of the leaves are still essentially green, and it is November 14. I have never experienced that before in my life.
Part of that realization makes me sad, reminded again that our climate is changing and that we are a major contributor to that reality, so different than what many of us knew in an earlier time. But on that walk, I saw something else. In all seasons, God is creating and sustaining life, regardless of what goes on around us. God is behind the scenes, consistent in God's active love for us and all of creation. We can trust that, even when the evidence seems contrary.
Eventually, we will get air cold enough to color and drop leaves and enable us to see our breath. Winter will come. But God's steadfast love will live forever.